The customer experience is a very personal thing. Every single person is unique, and will have gone through a personal experience when interacting with your company, whether they are purchasing a product or service from you, putting in a complaint, reading a tweet put out by your social media team, or receiving an email as part of your latest email marketing campaign. Despite this, the data and information we collect from customers in its very essence is put together in one big bloc of data. Big data is useful to improve the customer experience, but it can also be incredible difficult to define, to organise, to analyse, and to create effective, actionable results that improve the service you are offering.
The first thing to do when discussing big data is that your CX project as to be rooted in improving the customer experience. This begins with how you collect your customer data in the first place. There are different solutions to this, from overt customer surveys, to mystery shopping, call centre reporting and analysis, and video analysis of physical stores. From there it is important to understand how you are going to organise that data, before it is collected. You see, this type of customer data and information can quickly pile up and if you are not prepared, there is no way to see through it.
Think about the end result, and that will help you devise the type of data you are looking for and assist in creating the best type of customer data analysis that fits into your overall goal. This is where you can more readily find actionable insight from your customers. With the correct type of professional insight, you can quickly figure out the benchmarks you should be aiming for, and how the data you acquire now can be put to good use in creating a clear plan of action moving forward.
Despite this need to collect big, your company should always focus on the small details, the little things that you can tweak and improve upon on a daily basis and make the lives of your customers that much better. Work out how each action will have a positive impact, and how that all fits into the bigger picture of improving customer service across the board.
Understanding customer data and learning how to collate and analyse it in the most effective way is a difficult proposition. That is why it is always best to hire the services of professionals in the field, those with experience of dealing with big customer data and the improvement of CX within a variety of fields and sectors. Think about what it is you want to glean from your customers, and then you can begin to put in place processes that will enable that data to feed back into real improvements. The overall focus should always be on how customer data can be leveraged to make a company better, to improve rates of customer satisfaction, and to increase profits.